Forum Cinema Paradiso

Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


Monday, October 31, 2022

Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999. DVD.

Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999. DVD.
 Presence of Mind is a 1999 Spanish-American drama film directed by Antoni Aloy. The film is based on the story The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. A woman is hired to watch over two recently orphaned children, Flora and her brother Miles (played by Nilo Mur). The woman starts seeing ghosts and the children begin some very peculiar and disturbing behavior.
Henry James' classic tale of terror, "The Turn of the Screw" receives yet another screen adaptation in this thriller shot in Spain. A young woman (Sadie Frost) is hired to serve as a governess for two children, Miles and Flora (Nilo Mur and Ella Jones). She is hired by their uncle, the Master (Harvey Keitel), who became the guardian of the youngsters after the death of their parents. While the governess is initially enthusiastic about her job, Miles and Flora soon prove to be quite a handful, and the housekeeper Mrs. Grose (Lauren Bacall), who oversees most of the activities at the Master's estate, is openly antagonistic to her. Before long, the governess discovers the house bears a dark secret involving Miss Jessel (Dayne Danika), the previous governess, and Fosc (Agusti Villaronga), the Master's former valet. El Celo was the first feature from Director Antoni Aloy.
Director: Antoni Aloy.
Cast: Sadie Frost, Lauren Bacall, Ella Jones, Nilo Zimmerman, Harvey Keitel, Agustí Villaronga, Dayna Danika, Jude Law, Jack Taylor, Luz Fortuny, María Dulce Roselló.
Spain, USA, 1999.
Language: English, Russian.
Download DVD Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999.
Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999. DVD.
Presence of Mind / El celo. 1999. DVD.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2. FULL-HD.

Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2. FULL-HD.
 Šestidílný seriál Když se slunci nedaří se odehrává převážně v nemocnici, jejímiž pacienty jsou děti nejrůznějšího stáří. Autoři seriálu, Eva a Ivo Pelantovi, se záměrně vyhnuli těžkým a beznadějným případům a jejich nemocnici většinou opouštějí uzdravené děti. Přesto se diváci seriálu i v jejich pohodové nemocnici setkají s onemocněními vážnými, v současné dětské populaci relativně častými, jejichž léčení klade na pacienty, ale také na jejich rodiče nemalé nároky. V každém případě je seriálová nemocnice místem důvěry v uzdravení, zejména díky vedoucí lékařce dětského oddělení, doktorce Šnajberkové. Představuje typ lékaře, s nímž bychom se v době onemocnění rádi potkali.
Episode 2. Michal.
Michal's parents sent him to the hospital to hopefully overcome his bed wetting problem so that it won't interfere with his tennis playing.
Director: Hynek Bočan.
Cast: Dagmar Havlová, Jakub Zdeněk, Jiří Schmitzer, Simona Stašová, Naďa Konvalinková, Barbora Srncová, Michal Dlouhý, Zdeněk Žák, Blanka Lormanová, Svatopluk Skopal, Stella Zázvorková, Klára Issová, Stanislav Zindulka, Jan Hartl, Jitka Ježková, Jaroslava Brousková, Jan Bonaventura, Jitka Smutná, Miroslav Středa, Valentina Thielová, Oldřich Navrátil, Jitka Asterová, Dana Hlaváčová, Nikol Štíbrová, Vladimír Javorský, Věra Kubánková, Ivana Chýlková.
Czech Republic, 1995.
Language: Czech.
1440x1080 FULL-HD
Download Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2.
Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2. FULL-HD.
Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 2. FULL-HD.

Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6. FULL-HD.

Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6. FULL-HD.
 Když se slunci nedaří je český šestidílný televizní seriál z roku 1995, natočený režisérem Hynkem Bočanem podle scénáře Iva Pelanta.
Šestidílný seriál Když se slunci nedaří se odehrává převážně v nemocnici, jejímiž pacienty jsou děti nejrůznějšího stáří. Autoři seriálu, Eva a Ivo Pelantovi, se záměrně vyhnuli těžkým a beznadějným případům a jejich nemocnici většinou opouštějí uzdravené děti. Přesto se diváci seriálu i v jejich pohodové nemocnici setkají s onemocněními vážnými, v současné dětské populaci relativně častými, jejichž léčení klade na pacienty, ale také na jejich rodiče nemalé nároky. V každém případě je seriálová nemocnice místem důvěry v uzdravení, zejména díky vedoucí lékařce dětského oddělení, doktorce Šnajberkové. Představuje typ lékaře, s nímž bychom se v době onemocnění rádi potkali.
Episode 6. Šnajberková.
V závěru seriálu se budeme věnovat soukromí lékařky a jejích nejbližších. Dcera Markéta se chystá do tanečních a matka objeví podezřelou pihu na jejím břiše. Od chvíle, kdy Markétě pihu odoperují, čeká doktorka Šnajberková na histologický nález a prožívá úzkostné období. Současně také přijímá novou malou pacientku, která si stěžuje na bolesti bříška. Ačkoli jsou všechna vyšetření negativní, Kristýně se z nemocnice nechce. Doktorka Šnajberková však brzy přijde na to, čeho se malá pacientka bojí a jak s tím souvisí krásná panenka Barbie.
Director: Hynek Bočan.
Cast: Dagmar Havlová, Jan Hartl, Klára Issová, Kateřina Janečková, Jakub Zdeněk, Nikol Štíbrová, Vladimír Javorský, Věra Kubánková, Naďa Konvalinková, Barbora Srncová, Ivana Chýlková, Stanislav Zindulka, Jaroslav Satoranský, Lorna Homoláčová-Vančurová, Michal Dlouhý, Lucie Svobodová, Jana Bermanová, Sandra Nováková, Markéta Světlíková, Zdeněk Srstka .
Czech Republic, 1995.
Language: Czech.
1440x1080 FULL-HD
Download Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6.
Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6. FULL-HD.
Když se slunci nedaří / When the Chips Are Down. 1995. Episode 6. FULL-HD.

Giselle. 1980.

Жизель / Giselle. 1980.
 Sexy girl seduces all the members of her family. She indirectly causes the failure of his father's marriage, for her stepmother falls in love with her. Then, she has affairs with her father's stepson, and with the farm housekeeper. She and some friends are also raped by some bad guys. But they all celebrate the ruin of traditional family values.
Director: Victor di Mello.
Cast: Alba Valeria, Carlo Mossy, Maria Lucia Dahl, Nildo Parente, Ricardo Faria, Monique Lafond, Celso Faria, Zozimo Bulbul, Vinicius Salvatori, Luciano Sabino.
Brazil, 1980.
Language: Portuguese.
Download Giselle. 1980.
Жизель / Giselle. 1980.
Giselle. 1980.
Жизель / Giselle. 1980.
Giselle. 1980.

La rivière. 2001.

La rivière. 2001.
 FR. La Rivière est un court métrage réalisé par Michel Houellebecq et diffusé en 2001 sur Canal+ dans la série « L'Érotisme vu par... ».
EN. An artistic erotic short film showing five women enjoying themselves by a river.
Director: Michel Houellebecq.
Cast: Laetitia Clément, Cielle Delhomme, Audrey Jouffain, Annabelle Brun, Naïma Abdalahoui.
France, 2001.
Language: French.
Download La rivière. 2001.
La rivière. 2001.
La rivière. 2001.

Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex? 2006.

Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex? 2006.

 DE. Ein Film über Sex im geteilten Deutschland und die Frage, auf welcher Seite des Eisernen Vorhangs man „besser“ war. 40 Jahre Trennung haben vielerorts Spuren hinterlassen – auch in deutschen Schlafzimmern. Am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs waren die Ausgangsbedingungen gleich. Vier Jahrzehnte später jedoch hatte sich alles verändert.
EN. This is about sex. About sex in Germany and who, on which side of the Iron Curtain, was better at it. At the end of the Second World War, Germans shared the same culture, lifestyle, morals. But four decades later, everything had changed. Forty years of division left their mark in many places—including the beds of the German people.
Director: André Meier.
Germany, 2006.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
Download Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex? 2006.
Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex? 2006.
Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex? 2006.

Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991.

Лолита навсегда / Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991.
Classic Italian еrotic movie about horny men and young girl.
The main heroine of the film - nymphet, which all men admire. Girl, you want it!
Director: Pasquale Fanetti  (as Frank De Niro).
Cast: Petra Scharbach, Moris Brocchi, Cristina Colecchia, Marc Deller, Valentine Demy, Carmen Di Pietro, Cristina Finato, Massimo Guelfi, Sofia Lander.
Italy, 1991.
Language: Italian.
Download Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991.
Лолита навсегда / Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991.
Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.

Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.
 DE. Die Gymnasiastin Dorothea, 17 Jahre jung, hat nur wenige Erfahrungen in Sachen Liebe. Von Neugier getrieben begibt sie sich auf den Hamburger Kiez. Zwischen Huren, Exhibitionisten, Dominas und Masochisten sucht Dorothea nach echten Gefühlen. Doch was sie entdeckt, ist eine Welt der Abgründe und Perversionen. Das provozierende Underground-Werk war Fleischmanns Reaktion auf die Sex- und Pornowelle der 70er Jahre. Gleichwohl bemerkten Kritiker, daß sein umstrittener Film den Produktionen, die er anprangerte, erstaunlich nahe kam. In der Hauptrolle überzeugt Anna Henkel, die verstorbene Frau von Herbert Grönemeyer.
EN. Dorothea, a 17-year-old bourgeois girl from Hamburg, plays with her friends of both sexes, imitating the production of adult movies. In the end, pretending to make sex-scenes is not satisfying enough, and with a street professional, Dorothea is initiated in hard sex.
Director: Peter Fleischmann.
Cast: Anna Henkel-Grönemeyer, Alexander von Paczensky, Gerhard Gommel, Henry Beuck, Anemone Gehann, Birgit Heise, Mathias Herisch, Barbara Ossenkopp, Monika Steffens, Elisabeth Potkanski, Regis Genger.
Germany, France, 1974.
Language: German, Russian.
Download Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1994.
Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.
 Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.

Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.

Болеро / Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
  Bolero is a 1984 American romantic drama film starring Bo Derek, and written and directed by her husband John Derek. The film centers on the protagonist's sexual awakening and her journey around the world to pursue an ideal first lover who will take her virginity.
Despite minor commercial success, the film was critically panned, earning nominations for nine Golden Raspberry Awards at the 5th Golden Raspberry Awards and "winning" six, including the Worst Picture.
Set in the 1920s, Ayre "Mac" MacGillvary (Bo Derek) is a virginal 23-year-old young American who graduates from an exclusive British college. An orphan heiress to a vast fortune, Ayre is determined to find the right man for her first sexual encounter wherever he might be in the world. Rich enough not to venture forth alone, she brings along her best friend Catalina (Ana Obregon) and the family chauffeur Cotton (George Kennedy).
Ayre first travels to Morocco where she meets an ideal lover, an Arab sheik (Greg Benson) who offers to deflower her. He takes her away in his private airplane to an oasis in the desert, but during foreplay while rubbing her nude body with honey, he falls asleep almost immediately. Giving up on the sheik, Ayre goes on to Spain, where she meets the toreador Angel (Andrea Occhipinti), and sets out to seduce him. Into this group comes Paloma, (Olivia d'Abo), a 14-year-old local Gypsy girl whom Ayre and Catalina take under their wing. A minor subplot involves Catalina meeting and pursuing Ayre's lawyer, Robert Stewart, a kilt-wearing Scotsman who Catalina chooses to deflower her.
After several days of courtship and flirting, Angel makes love to Ayre one morning and he manages to stay awake. Unfortunately, after she has succeeded in her quest to lose her virginity, Angel is gored while bullfighting the next day.
The injury leaves Angel unable to perform in the bedroom, and so Ayre makes it her mission in life to see to his recovery. Along the way, she takes up bullfighting herself as a way of getting her despondent lover motivated to stop moping. During this, the Arab sheik flies to Spain to abduct Ayre, but she manages to convince him that she has already lost her virginity and he lets her go.
Eventually, Ayre is successful in aiding Angel to full recovery which leads to a climatic lovemaking session between them. The film ends with Ayre and Angel getting married at a local church.
Director: John Derek.
Cast: Bo Derek, George Kennedy, Andrea Occhipinti, Ana Obregón, Olivia d'Abo, Greg Bensen, Ian Cochrane, Mirta Miller, Mickey Knox, Paul Stacey, James Stacey.
USA, 1984.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English, French
Download DVD Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984.
Болеро / Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
 Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
Болеро / Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.
 Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.

Fucking 14. 2004.

Fucking 14. 2004.
DK. På sin 14-års fødselsdag får Laura besøg af sin mors ven, modefotografen Asger, som Laura altid har været fascineret af. Asger skal fotografere Laura, hvilket hendes mor, Henriette, længe har set frem til – til trods for en voksende jalousi til den smukke datter. Men hvad Henriette ikke ved, er, at Lauras følelser for Asger er ved at ændre sig. Det sætter spor i forholdet mellem mor og datter i form af et opgør og en konkurrence, som skaber stærke udfordringer for Laura. Mødet med Asger og modelmiljøet bliver en introduktion til voksenlivet og en opdagelse af seksualiteten. Hun mærker begæret for første gang og oplever samtidig magten, der følger med.
EN. 14-year-old Cecilie is both frustrated and fascinated by her dawning sexuality.
Director: Christina Rosendahl.
Cast: Anders Heinrichsen, Ida Hilario Jønsson, Linda Laursen, Emma Leth, Cyron Melville, Amalie Rendtorff-Smith, Jens Jørn Spottag.
Denmark, 2004.
Language: Danish.
Download Fucking 14. 2004.
Fucking 14. 2004.
Fucking 14. 2004.


Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.

Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.
A conscious exploration of fantasy and flesh. The director talks about the novel upon which the film is based, we see the crew at work, the actors talk about what's going on. Y, a schoolgirl of 18, chooses her first lover (rather than wait to be raped, as were her two older sisters). After phone sex with J, a sculptor who's 38, they begin an affair that, by the second meeting, includes spankings as foreplay. J brings a suitcase full of rods, hoses, and wires; Y gathers sticks to bring. Y's brother discovers the affair. J's wife, studying in Paris, calls him to join her. Will the lovers part? Will the violence get out of hand? When do the lies begin? 
Director: Sun-Woo Jang.
Cast: Sang Hyun Lee, Tae Yeon Kim, Hyun Joo Choi, Kwon Taek Han, Hyuk Poong Kwon, Myung Keum Jung, Min Soo Shin, Young Sun Cho, Mi Kyung Ahn, Kum Ja Yeom, Boo Ho Choi, Hye Won Goh, Chui Jin Kwak.
South Korea, 1999.
Language: Korean, Russian.
Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.
Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Silip / Daughters of Еve. 1985. DVD.

Silip / Daughters of Еve. 1985. DVD.
 Silip (lit. To witness) is a 1985 Philippine horror seхploitation film written by Ricardo Lee and directed by Elwood Perez. The film was released outside of the Philippines as Daughters of Eve.
In the remote countryside of Ilocos, various women are sexually abused by local men. Two sisters, Tonya (Maria Isabel Lopez), a sexually repressed young woman, and Selda (Sarsi Emmanuelle), a promiscuous woman, meet Simon (Mark Joseph), the most attractive man in the village. Tonya teaches catechism to the children of the village. Selda comes home from the city with her American lover, whom she throws out shortly afterward. She's the exact opposite of Tonya, as her views on sex are more liberal and less guilt-filled. Tonya is secretly sexually attracted to Simon, but she refuses his seхual advances.
In the remote countryside of Ilongo, various women are sexually abused by local men. Two sisters, meet Simon, the most attractive man in the village.
This movie was produced during the era of the Experimental Cinema of the Philippine when some starlets in local show business were exploited to create sex-oriented movies. Marcos was still in power, and maybe this passed his approval to divert Filipinos from the worsening political and economic problems. Most of these experimental cinema allowed "pene" so don't be surprised if the there were actual "penetration" in this movie.
Director: Elwood Perez.
Cast: Sarsi Emmanuelle, Maria Isabel Lopez, Myra Manibog, Mark Joseph, Daren Craig Johnson, Pia Zabale, Michael Locsin, Arwin Rogelio, Jenneelyn Gatbalite, Gloria Andrade, Jimmy Reyes, Arthur Cassanova, Chabeng Contreras, Cheriebee Santos, Lea Zabale.
Philippines, 1985.
Language: Tagalog, English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD Silip / Daughters of Eve. 1985.
Silip / Daughters of Еve. 1985. DVD.
Silip / Daughters of Eve. 1985. DVD.
Silip / Daughters of Еve. 1985. DVD.
Silip / Daughters of Eve. 1985. DVD.

Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973. DVD.

Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973. DVD.
 Anita: Swedish Nymphet is a 1973 erotic drama film directed by Torgny Wickman, starring Christina Lindberg and Stellan Skarsgård.
Anita is a girl of only 16 years, and while she has developed early physically, to a mature woman, she is psychologically completly ruthless. Her relationship the her parents and her friends is very poor and she is regarded with contempt by the people around her, even by the men who so ruthlessly use her. During her troubles she meets Erik, a young psychology student. Gently and carefully he begins to dispell her psychological blocks. In the course of this treatment she reveals to him some of the shocking espisodes of her previous experience and how an inner compulsion forces her into humiliating debauchery in dangerous environments. Erik believes he has the solution to Anita's problems: to let her move into an artist's communal experiment, of which he is already a member. The common interest of this collective is largely the performing of classical music. Anita's prosence in the collective, however, is regarded by some of the other girls as highly provocative. Anita's nymphomania is her means of protest against her parents, school, society and her own enviroment (her whole life situation). Erik holds a scientific theory that Anita will be free of her sexual fixation if she were once able to experience a true orgasm. He therefore tries to get her to see clearly, and with some insight, the breadth of her psychological situation. Against the background of the intensive battle that Anita carries om with the self-destructive drives within her, grows the depth of feeling that bind her and Erik together. She is no longer simply a "case" for him. Anita discovers that Erik is the one man whom she both wants to, and can, remain together with...
Director: Torgny Wickman.
Cast: Christina Lindberg, Stellan Skarsgård, Danièle Vlaminck, Michel David, Erika Wickman, Ewert Granholm, Arne Ragneborn, Per Mattsson, Jörgen Barwe, Jan-Olof Rydqvist, Thore Segelström, Berit Agedal.
Sweden, France, 1973.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Bonuses: gallery, biography, interviews, movie reviews and much more.
Download DVD Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973.
Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973. DVD.
Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973. DVD.
Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973. DVD.
Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973. DVD.

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.
Du und icke und Berlin ist ein deutscher Fernsehfilm von Eberhard Schäfer aus dem Jahr 1977.
Der heitere Fernsehfilm von 1977 bot den Zuschauern ein Wiedersehen mit beliebten Darstellern in einer Geschichte über zwei Freunde, die durch den Einfluss der Liebe in einige Verwirrungen geraten, an deren Ende aber die wahre Liebe den rechten Weg weist. Schauplatz des ganzen war Berlin, die Hauptstadt der DDR, deren Straßen und Plätze, Häuser und Wohnungen.
Und mitten drin in diesem Milieu lebt Ulrike Busch (Susanne Linser), ein zehnjähriges Mädchen, dass mit Energie und Zielstrebigkeit nach einem neuen Vater sucht. Als Ulrike zusammen mit ihrem Schulfreund den aus Mühlhausen stammenden Bauarbeiter Dieter Körber (Jürgen Heinrich) kennen lernt, ist sie überzeugt, dass dieser ihr neuer Vater sein könnte. Nun gilt es, Ulrikes Mutter (Micaëla Kreißler) mit sanfter Hand zu ihrem neuen Glück zu führen. Dass dabei auch der sympathische Großvater Karl (Gerhard Bienert) mit einbezogen wird, darf an dieser Stelle nicht unerwähnt bleiben.
Diese TV-Produktion galt in der Zeit ihres Entstehens als gelungenes Werk, vom realen Sozialismus zu berichten, von der Geborgenheit und Zukunftsgewissheit der Menschen in der DDR, und sie war zudem der wiederholte Versuch, der Hauptstadt Berlin eine Liebeserklärung zu offerieren.
Director: Eberhard Schäfer.
Cast: Jürgen Heinrich, Susanne Linser, Micaela Kreißler, Gerhard Bienert, Ursula Braun, Rolf Herricht, Elvira Schuster, Jürgen Zartmann, Evelyn Opoczynski, Ingeborg Krabbe, Werner Senftleben, Klaus Bamberg, Liselott Baumgarten.
DDR, DEFA, 1977.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Du und icke und Berlin. 1978.
Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.
Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.
Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. DVD.

I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. DVD.
 After years of abuse at the hands of her husband, a woman, Emmanouella, is pushed to the breaking point. She hires a hitman to do in her husband, but just when she thinks her troubles are at an end, the assassin blackmails her. As her husband's business partner struggles to prove her guilt, and as the hitman continues to threaten her new found security, Emmanouella struggles to keep her name clear and to keep her naive stepdaughter from becoming tangled in the web of danger she has created.
This is one of several films made to cash in on the success of the Black Emanuelle film series created by Bitto Albertini and continued by Joe D'Amato and Bruno Mattei. Though the film stars Laura Gemser (the star of the Black Emanuelle series) and she plays a character named Emanuelle (Emmanouella), it has nothing to do with the photojournalist character Emanuelle from the original series.
Director: Ilias Mylonakos.
Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Livia Russo, Haris Tryfonas, Nadia Neri, Gordon Mitchell, Pantelis Agelopou, Vagelis Vartan, Elli Kiriakidou, George Zenios, Tarita, Kathrin Maalouf, Anda Vartholomeou, Helen Danezi.
Greece, Cyprus, 1980.
Language: English.
Exploitation Digital Trailers.
Photo Gallery.
Original Trailers.
DVD9, 720x480
Download I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter:
2 parts archive:
I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. DVD.
I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. DVD.
I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. DVD.

Lulu. 1980. DVD.

Lulu. 1980. DVD.
 Lulu is based on the same novel that G.W. Pabst's Pandora's Box was adapted from. Pandora's Box is one of the greatest films ever made so Lulu was bound to suffer by comparison. Both film versions tell the tragic story of Lulu, a vivacious woman, who attracts men (and women) eventually driven to desperation by their obsessions for Lulu.
The story of a sexually enticing young dancer who rises up in society through her relationships with wealthy men, but later falls into poverty and prostitution, culminating in an encounter with Jack 'the Ripper'.
Louise Brooks in Pandora's Box radiated sensuality. She showed no bare flesh but she had a screen charisma that made the audience believe that men would follow her to their destruction. This viewer would certainly have. In the film Lulu, the character Lulu is played by Anne Bennent, who spends a fair amount of her screen time naked. Yet, for all of her bare flesh, Miss Bennent does not have one-tenth the sensuality (or the acting chops) of a fully clothed Louise Brooks. For all of its nudity, the 1980 film is less erotic than Pabst's silent adaptation from 1929.
Director: Walerian Borowczyk.
Cast: Anne Bennent, Michele Placido, Jean-Jacques Delbo, Hans-Jürgen Schatz, Bruno Hübner, Beate Kopp, Heinz Bennent, Udo Kier, Pierre Saintons.
France, Italy, Germany, 1980.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: French.
Download DVD Lulu. 1980.
Lulu. 1980. DVD.
Lulu. 1980. DVD.

My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.

My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.
 FR. Hannah et Violetta forment un couple hors du commun : mère insaisissable et fillette en quête d’amour maternel, artiste fantasque et modèle malgré elle. Lorsqu’Hannah demande à sa fille si elle veut être son modèle, tout bascule dans la vie de Violetta qu
EN. My Little Princess is a 2011 French-Romanian drama film directed by Eva Ionesco and inspired by her relationship with her mother, the well-known artistic photographer Irina Ionesco whose pictures of her young daughter caused controversy when they were published back in the 1970s. The film illustrates a situation which at first glance seems to be a paradox: whilst revealing more and more of her daughter to the public the mother seems to get increasingly estranged from her and vice versa.
Violetta is raised by her grandmother. Her mother Hanna tries to make a living on taking photographs and concentrates on her dreams to become a famous artist. In order to succeed as an artist she doesn't worry about dating men of questionable reputation. Only every now and then her mother visits her daughter but during these occasions it occurs to her that her daughter could be a potential model. She starts exploiting her daughter who by transforming into a kind of Lolita becomes increasingly alienated from other children of her age. At school she is eventually frequently insulted and rejected. Then Mamie dies and Hannah's photographs are about to unequivocally overstep the line of acceptability. Hanna even coerces Violetta mercilessly into cooperation by withholding her food in case she doesn't agree to pose for increasingly daring photographs.
Director: Eva Ionesco.
Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Anamaria Vartolomei, Georgetta Leahu, Denis Lavant, Jethro Cave, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Pascal Bongard, Anne Benoît, Johanna Degris-Agogue, Lou Lesage, Nicolas Maury, Joe Sheridan.
France, 2011.
Language: French, English, Romanian, Dutch.
Subtitles: French, English, Dutch.
Download DVD My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011.
My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.
My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.

Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.

Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.
 One elf's fondest hopes and dreams while changing some dirty diapers.
Director: Nick Zedd.
Cast: Reverend Jen Miller.
USA, 2001.
Language: English.
Download Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.
Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.
Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.

Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.

Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.
 DE. Nun sind endlich die Sommerferien herangekommen. Marco (Tobias Blume) und Tobi (René Hahn) haben vorab viele Pläne geschmiedet, die aus ihrer Sicht geeignet sind, die gesamten acht Wochen Ferien entsprechend abwechslungsreich und unter Jungs zu gestalten. Dann aber kommt die “schlechte” Nachricht: Marco soll für eine Zeit in ein Ferienlager ins Erzgebirge fahren. Was ist nun mit den schönen Vorhaben der beiden?
Um in dieser Hinsicht nicht alles über Bord werfen zu müssen und gemeinsame Abenteuer erleben zu können, überredet Marco seinen Freund, ihn mit Pferd und Wagen von zu Hause bis zum Ferienlager zu begleiten - das Ganze natürlich auf Umwegen, versteht sich! Und in der Weise beginnen die beiden Jungen dann eine interessante, abenteuerliche Expedition. Alles verläuft dann aber nicht ganz ohne kleine “Wehehchen” , so dass sie ziemlich lädiert im Ferienlager eintreffen. Als sie sehen, wie vielfältig das Lagerleben ist, ärgern sie sich, nicht schon früher eingetroffen zu sein.
EN. Now the summer holidays have finally arrived. Marco (Tobias Blume) and Tobi (René Hahn) have forged ahead many plans, which are from their point of view, the entire eight weeks vacation according to varied and form under boys. But then comes the "bad" news: Marco should drive for a time in a summer camp in the Erzgebirge. What about the beautiful plans of the two?
Director: Karl-Heinz Bahls.
Cast: Tobias Blume, René Hahn, Heinz Hupfer.
DDR, Fernsehen der DDR, 1988.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download DVD Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.
Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.
Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Dead Birds. 1963. HD.

Dead Birds. 1963. HD.
 Dead Birds is a 1963 documentary film by Robert Gardner about the Dani people of New Guinea. It was produced as part of the Harvard-Peabody Expedition to study the highlands of New Guinea, at that time one of the few remaining areas in the world uncolonized by Europeans.
The premiere of Dead Birds took place at the Loeb Drama Center at Harvard University in October 1963. In 1998, this film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
DEAD BIRDS is a film about the Dani, a people dwelling in the Grand Valley of the Baliem high in the mountains of West Irian. When I shot the film in 1961, the Dani had an almost classic Neolithic culture. They were exceptional in the way they focussed their energies and based their values on an elaborate system of intertribal warfare and revenge. Neighboring groups of Dani clans, separated by uncultivated strips of no man's land, engaged in frequent formal battles. When a warrior was killed in battle or died from a wound and even when a woman or a child lost their life in an enemy raid, the victors celebrated and the victims mourned. Because each death had to be avenged, the balance was continually being adjusted with the spirits of the aggrieved lifted and the ghosts of slain comrades satisfied as soon as a compensating enemy life was taken. There was no thought in the Dani world of wars ever ending, unless it rained or became dark. Without war there would be no way to satisfy the ghosts. Wars were also the best way they knew to keep a terrible harmony in a life which would be, without the strife they invented, mostly hard and dull. DEAD BIRDS has a meaning which is both immediate and allegorical. In the Dani language it refers to the weapons and ornaments recovered in battle. Its other more poetic meaning comes from the Dani belief that people, because they are like birds, must die. In making DEAD BIRDS certain kinds of behavior were followed, never directed. It was an attempt to see people from within and to wonder, when the selected fragments of that life were assembled, if they might speak not only of the Dani but also of ourselves. - Robert Gardner.
Director: Robert Gardner.
Cast: Robert Gardner (Narrator).
USA, Peabody Museum, 1963.
Language: English.
960x720 HD
Download Dead Birds. 1963.

Dead Birds. 1963. HD.
Dead Birds. 1963. HD.

Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.

Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.
On her 14th birthday, Laura is visited by her mother's friend, the fashion photographer Asger, who Laura has always been fascinated by. Asger has to photograph Laura, which her mother, Henriette, has been looking forward to for a long time - despite a growing jealousy of the beautiful daughter. But what Henriette doesn't know is that Laura's feelings for Asger are changing. It leaves traces in the relationship between mother and daughter in the form of a showdown and a competition, which creates strong challenges for Laura. The meeting with Asger and the model environment becomes an introduction to adult life and a discovery of sexuality. She feels the desire for the first time and at the same time experiences the power that comes with it.
Director: Jeanette Nordahl.
Cast: Dorte Limkilde, Igor Rado, Marie Louise Wille.
Danmark, 2011.
Language: Danish.
Download Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.
Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.
Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.


Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.

Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.
Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alenxandra's house, a long time friend. She is living on a beautiful island where she is doing art. From his travels, Helmut brought back some old manuscript about secret rites that he decides to share with Alexandra after restarting a sexual relationship with her.
Director: Tana Kaleya.
Cast: Helmut Berger, Alexandra Stewart, Dirke Altevogt, Tina Sportolaro, Eva Cobo, José Luis de Vilallonga.
Spain, France, 1983.
Language: Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983.
Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.
Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.