Forum Cinema Paradiso

Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

Found a good quality version of this film.
FI. Perusteellinen aamupesu on vähintä mitä jokaiselta terveydestään kiinni pitävältä voi vaatia. Puhtaus alkaa käsien pesusta.
EN. Versatile nutrition and flattering in fresh air are the foundation of good health and well-being, as evidenced by the 1950s enlightenment film.
Director: Osmo Lampinen.
Cast: Seppo Wallin (Narrator).
Finland, 1955.
Language: Finnish.
Download Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.

Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.
Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.


Gracious Curves / Naisenkaari. 1997.

Gracious Curves / Naisenkaari. 1997.
At the age of 46 the Finnish director Kiti Luostarinen philosophises about the question what it means to live in a female body and what it is like to develop from a girl to a woman, to bloom, to age and eventually to die. At her age she can review her mother‘s life, feel herself grow older and see her daughter change into a woman. In her documentary, Luostarinen may present as many as fifty Finnish women from 4 to 90 years old, but the tone remains essayistic. She does not use any so-called experts or obligatory interview fragments. Luostarinen approaches the subject from a personal angle. With sufficient self-irony and a great sense of humour she acts as the narrator. Both young girls and elderly women tell about their experiences and feelings, concentrating on the development from girl to grandmother. At times she interrupts her film essay with fictitious scenes, in which she makes an ironical plea in favour of the iron brassiere and a woman cherishes her extracted fat in a preserving jar. Expanding hips, flabby buttocks and sagging breasts are usually camouflaged, but Luostarinen demonstrates the beauty of round tummies, because: ‘Oldness liberates you of false belief‘.
Director: Kiti Luostarinen.
Cast: Maire Dammert, Kirsi Edelmann, Kati Eerola, Aulikki Eromaki, Olga Eromaki, Riikka Eromaki, Ulla Eromaki, Vilma Eromaki, Linda Fredriksson, Eeva-Maija Haukinen, Aune Järveläinen, Sari Hämäläinen.
Finland, 1997.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: Estonian.
Download Naisenkaari / Gracious Curves. 1997.
Gracious Curves / Naisenkaari. 1997.
Gracious Curves / Naisenkaari. 1997.


Friday, June 28, 2024

A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011. FULL-HD.

A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011. FULL-HD.

A young girl and her coach overcome adversity to make their way into the National Australian Gymnastics Squad.
Hiding from the pain of secrets in her own gymnastics past, Kate (Nina Pearce) reluctantly takes over the middle school gymnastics team after their coach falls ill. The three gymnasts are struggling to compete against a rival team full of mean girls who pick on them at school, especially on Maddy (Emily Morris), the shyest but most talented of the group. With the help of fellow coach Shane (Adam Tuominen), Kate works to help the girls make it to the Australian Nationals gymnastics competition, while also trying to make amends with Sally Peterson (Amy Handley), current gymnastics judge and former friend.
A young girl and her coach overcome adversity to make their way into the National Australian Gymnastics Squad.
Director: Clay Glen.
Cast: Nina Pearce, Adam Tuominen, Emily Morris, Amy Handley, Carmel Johnson, Alanah Gilbert, David Wilson, Stephen Weyland, Aliante Youngdino.
Australia, 2011.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, Spanish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Chinese, Thai, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011.

A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011. FULL-HD.
A Second Chance / A 2nd Chance. 2011. FULL-HD.


Monday, June 24, 2024

The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.
This children's adventure is set in South Africa and chronicles the bond between a boy and his cheetah. The two have been pals for a long time, so when the cat is taken and placed in a traveling circus, the boy does all he can to free it. Mayhem ensues, and eventually he successfully saves the giant kitty and sets it free.
Director: Tim Spring.
Cast: Mark Hopley, Karen de Kock, Dale Cutts, Erica Rogers, Bess Finney, Denis Smith, Valerie Dunlop, Delia Sheppard, Johan Swanepoel.
South Africa, USA, 1974.
Languages: English, Afrikaans.
Download The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.
The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Když má svátek Dominika. 1967. HD.

Když má svátek Dominika. 1967. HD.
CZ. Hudební anekdota o tom, jak vyměnit bratříčka za kocoura. Honzík vymění svého čtyřletého bratříčka Míšu za kocoura Kajetána. Kocour je ale kradený. Děvčátko, které kocoura vymění, se jmenuje Dominika a má ke všemu svátek. Protože rodiče Honzíka a Míši pochopitelně chtějí svého malého synka zpátky a protože Honzík vůbec netuší, kde Dominika bydlí, vydají se ji hledat. Když se jim to nedaří, požádají o pomoc policii. Po Dominice a Míšovi začne pátrat dvanáct legračních detektivů v nejrůznějších převlecích. Hledají po ulicích, na výstavě exotického ptactva, dokonce i na pouti, kde si zatím zmizelé děti báječně užívají...
EN. Eight-year old Dominique has a name-day. Her parents have a gift for her, but only give it to her in the evening, when everybody has come home from work. Then she darts out, where her girlfriends are already waiting for her.
Director: Jan Valášek st.
Cast: Dáša Beranová, Jan Valášek ml., Michal Pospíšil, Simona Uhlířová, Karolina Slunéčková, Vladimír Menšík, Miloš Kopecký, Zdeněk Braunschläger, Lubomír Bryg, Jan Faltýnek, Oskar Hák, Lubomír Kostelka, Jiří Lír, Jaroslav Mareš, Zdeněk Najman, Milan Neděla, Eugen Jegorov, Bohuš Pastorek, Viktor Riebauer, Lenka Jandlová, Jarka Jedličková, Helena Lišková, Jiří Lukeš, Pavel Zejfart, Lubomír Lipský st., Josef Hlinomaz, Ivana Pavlová, Karel Kmoch, Ota Motyčka, Marie Brožová, Karel Kryška, Karel Hruška, Ivan Krob, Jaromír Linhart, Jiří Halamka, Vladimír Klos, Petr Zdeněk Koželuh, Vladimír Pospíšil, Miroslav Vilímek, Petr Vondruška, Zdeněk Doležal, Jarmila Švabíková, Jiří Merta, Miroslav Strejček, Ján Šprlák-Puk, Otto Lackovič, Helena Růžičková, Oldřich Musil, Marta Cvejnová, Marcela Husáková, Jana Chábová, Rozina Kamburová, Blanka Modrá, Helena Pejšková, Helena Richterová, Marta Synáčková, Marcela Tomaierová, Aneta Voleská, Alena Pencová, Dana Reimová, Štěpánka Řeháková, Zuzana Schnöblingová, Vladimír Hrubý, Gustav Hrdlička, Luisa Kollingerová, Emanuel Kovařík, Ilona Kubásková, Bohuslav Kupšovský, Vladimír Linka, František Mare.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1967.
Language: Czech.
1280x720 HD
Download Když má svátek Dominika. 1967.
Když má svátek Dominika. 1967. HD.
Když má svátek Dominika. 1967. HD.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.

Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.
NO. Filmen er basert på sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Den store pesten i Norge ble kalt svartedauen og herjet i Europa rundt 1350. Den rammet Norge svært hardt og to tredjedeler av befolkningen døde. En av de viktigste bærerne av håpet om en nasjonal gjenfødelse ble sagnet om en liten pike som overlevde. Sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Ola Solum har også regissert filmene Kvitebjørn Kong Valemon og Reisen til julestjernen.
Alt begynner med fest og moro. I en liten dal ved Jostedalsbreen på Vestlandet feires det bryllup på gården. Det er folksomt rundt familien til Maren. Liv Bernhoft Osa spiller moren til Maren. Vi får tiltro til henne som mor for Maren med sin breie dialekt og trygge favn. Det blir brått kaotisk og svært dramatisk da pesten kommer. Alle skriker og løper rundt og ber for sitt eget liv og sine kjære. Imens andre elsker som om det skulle være deres siste time. Noen kler seg naken og ruller ned en gressskråning. Imens holder Maren til oppe i fjellene der hun er trygg.
Det er hjerteskjærende å se den vesle jenta som plutselig opplever død og fordervelse rundt seg. Til og med foreldre er døende syke av pest, så hun ikke kan ha noe med dem å gjøre mer. Hun får ikke den omsorgen hun trenger og må klare seg på egenhånd. Hun begynner å snakke med seg selv og bruker det som trøst og leker med dyrene som er hennes eneste selskap. Hun har mareritt om nettene og har det tøft om kveldene når mørket kommer. Maren har blitt instruert av sin mor at hun må holde liv i ilden som er mye av livsgrunnlaget og måten å holde varmen på vinteren med...
EN. Maren, a young girl, is the sole survivor of the Black Death in her Norwegian village. Using instincts, folklore, luck, and the clairvoyant powers granted her by being born with a "Victory Cap," Maren survives on her own, waiting for other people to discover her plight. Painstaking recreations of medieval customs and settings dominate the film.
Director: Ola Solum.
Cast: Julia Onsager Steen, Liv Bernhoft Osa, Bjørn Willberg Andersen, Reidar Sørensen, Baard Owe, Oddbjørn Hesjevoll, Knut Husebø, Bjørn Sundquist, Inger Heldal, Svein Rønning, Hallvard Holmen, Espen Skjønberg, Maria Bakketeig.
Norway, 1994.
Language: Norwegian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994.
Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.
Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.

Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.
Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969. FULL-HD.

Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969. FULL-HD.
Negražią, šlakuotą mergaitę Ingą, gyvenančią su vieniša mama – mašininke mėgsta visi kiemo vaikai, ir žaidžiant (ratu susėdę vaikai vidury šokantįjį apipila pagyromis arba patyčiomis) ją visada išrenka „gražuole“. Ji – širdingiausia ir tiesiog spindinti mergaitė didelėje kiemo kompanijoje. Tik vienas berniukas atvirai pasako kad ji negraži. Jis neseniai atsikėlė gyventi į šį kiemą, gavo „Nebylio“ pravardę ir nežada pripažinti nesuprantamas žaidimo taisykles. Inga išgyvena krizę. Viktoras, pastebėjęs Ingos pasimetimą, atneša jai gražią gėlę. Inga seniai apie tokią svajojo. Ji ir vėl laiminga.
One of the best European movies about childhood. It transcends totalitarian realities of a post-war Soviet-occupied town to address the most important eternal questions faced by children and their parents alike: self-identity, value human relations, love, vulnerability of a human being, meaning of innocence.
EN. The cruelty of children is offered in all its unadorned ugliness in "Grazuole". The title character is a 9-year-old girl, shunned by her classmates because of her alleged homeliness.
Director: Arūnas Žebriūnas.
Cast: Inga Mickytė, Lilija Žadeikytė/, Sergejus Martinsonas, Tauras Ragalevičius.
USSR, Litovskaya Kinostudiya, 1969.
Language: Lithuanian, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Italian, French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969.

Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969. FULL-HD.
Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969. FULL-HD.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Anthology of short films. Part 105.


Anthology of short films. Part 105.

Today we present to your attention the next issue of the Anthology of Short Films number one hundred and five. Like last time only the names of mini-films without synopsis and other information, and there are a lot of them - 16 pieces. Almost all shorts are fresh in HD.
1. Perpetual Child. 2020.
2. Moostro. 2021.
3. Maedeli la breche. 1980.
4. Dimanche ou les fantomes. 1994.
5. Même pas mort. 2007.
6. Mudmonster. 2021.
7. Hallini Hanini. 2020.
8. Sous la mousse. 2019.
9. Palavra Grande / Big Word. 2021.
10. Period. 2018.
11. Donde Nace el Agua. 2018.
12. Girl to Woman. 1962.
13. Umpire. 2015.
14. Be Good. 2019.
15. Cambodian Country side boys...
16. Slaughtered Pigtails. 2001.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 105:
2 parts archive:

Anthology of short films. Part 105.

Anthology of short films. Part 105.

Anthology of short films. Part 105.

Anthology of short films. Part 105.

Hodja fra Pjort / The Magic Carpet. 1985. FULL-HD.

Hodja fra Pjort / The Magic Carpet. 1985. FULL-HD.
DK. Eventyrfilm om en dreng, Hodja, som får et magisk tæppe af en gammel tæppemager. En ond og magtbegærlig sultan vil have fingre i tæppet, og sammen med pigen Smaragd må Hodja igennem mange prøvelser.
EN. Adventure film about the boy Hodja who gets a magic carpet of a wise old carpet man. A wicked and desirous of power sultan will get their hands on the carpet.
Director: Brita Wielopolska.
Cast: David Bertelsen, Zuhal Ödemir, Lars Junggren, Holger Boland, Astrid Henning-Jensen, Stig Hoffmeyer, Leif Sylvester, Michelle Bjørn-Andersen, Cevat Kurtulus, Kadir Savun, Jørn Faurschou.
Denmark, 1985.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Hodja fra Pjort / The Magic Carpet. 1985.
Hodja fra Pjort / The Magic Carpet. 1985. FULL-HD.
Hodja fra Pjort / The Magic Carpet. 1985. FULL-HD.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Tata / Dad. 2022. HD.

Tata / Dad. 2022. HD.
Michal is a truck driver and a single father raising his daughter Miska. Long hours behind the wheel, loneliness and constant life on the road are his everyday life. The most important thing is to get the goods on time. When he is on the road, his Ukrainian neighbor looks after his daughter. Her granddaughter Lena and Miska are inseparable. When the Ukrainian nanny suddenly dies, Michal takes the girls with him on a journey. Roadside parking lots, life on the road, border, and finally a meeting with Lenka's family in Ukraine is an important lesson in sisterhood for girls, growing up in the world of the periphery of Europe that is changing before their eyes. Ukraine, which for Lenka is a symbol of home and wonderful childhood, will turn out to be a place troubled by the hardships of life and the struggles of heroes. For Michal, the compulsory journey is the time of growing up to be a dad. Thanks to her, he may finally stop running from his demons and discover what is really the most important in his life.
Director: Anna Maliszewska.
Cast: Eryk Lubos, Klaudia Kurak, Polina Gromova, Sonia Roszczuk, Mariia Svizhynska, Zofia Jankowska, Joanna Gonschorek, Jacek Grondowy, Michal Wlodarczyk, Marta Malikowska, Oksana Cherkashyna, Sergei Solovyov.
Poland, 2022.
Language: Polish.
1280x720 HD
Download Tata / Dad. 2022.
Tata / Dad. 2022. HD.
Tata / Dad. 2022. HD.


Friday, June 14, 2024

子どものころ戦争があった / Kodomo no koro sensô ga atta / There Was a War When I Was a Child. 1981. HD.

子どものころ戦争があった / Kodomo no koro sensô ga atta / There Was a War When I Was a Child. 1981. HD.
JP. 『子どものころ戦争があった』(こどものころせんそうがあった)は、1981年公開の日本の戦争映画。
EN. Weeks before the end of World War II, a boy finds an American girl hidden in the barn of his grandmother's house. The girl turns out to be his cousin, and they become friends, but the Japanese police is informed of the girl's presence.
Director: 斉藤貞郎 / Sadao Saito.
Cast: Catharia, Meiko Kaji, Fumie Kashiyama, Hiromi Kurita, Aiko Mimasu, Yuichi Saito, Kôei Yamamoto, 伴淳三郎, 山本幸栄, 吉田良全.
Japan, 1981.
Language: Japanese.
1280x720 HD
Download 子どものころ戦争があった / Kodomo no koro sensô ga atta / There Was a War When I Was a Child. 1981.
子どものころ戦争があった / Kodomo no koro sensô ga atta / There Was a War When I Was a Child. 1981. HD.
子どものころ戦争があった / Kodomo no koro sensô ga atta / There Was a War When I Was a Child. 1981. HD.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Anthology of short films. Part 125.

Anthology of short films. Part 125.
The newest collection of short films number one hundred twenty five. There are 10 mini-films from different countries filmed in recent years from 1975-2015. We are sure that you will like this collection.
Enjoy watching.
1. Sophie At The Races. 2014.
Sophie (9) and her wayward mother Harriette (32) travel through a modern Irish landscape to meet Sophie's father. Sophie has never met her father before and when they end up at a bustling horse-fair she is excited by the prospect of her new 'happy family'. Things fall apart when her mother starts to drink and Sophie realises that everything isn't as it appears.
Ireland, 2014.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
2. J'aime Eva Marsh / I Love Eva Marsh. 2017.
Summer 1996. A small town nestled in the shadow of a gigantic factory. Ben, a shy eleven year old boy, lives there alone with his mom when she leaves him to strike. The coming of the troubling Eva in his bunch disturbs him a little bit more, especially when she mentions the legend of a mysterious creature hidden under a nearby lake's pontoon. As a game, Eva challenges Ben: walk through the "pontoon of the death", and come back. But Ben fails miserably. At night, the Creature appears to him.
France, 2017.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
3. The Suicide. 1978.
Bullied boy, left by his father, supported by a over-optimistic and naive mother, tries out life in a new school.
USA, 1978.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
4. The Pool. 2021.
Anita and her son Ty have moved into a new neighborhood, where blending in has proven difficult. Will a visit to the local swimming pool change that?
USA, 2021.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Les Poings serrés. 2015.
Young Julian is shopping with his father when his father suddenly disappears. Julian waits for his father to come back, while coping with his fear and anxiety. The film explores the themes of childhood, abandonment, and resilience.
France, 2015.
6. Superdyke. 1975.
Meet the Superdykes, a troop of shield-bearing Amazons taking over.
USA, 1975.
7. Donkeygirl. 2006.
Farouzi (12) is a dutch-arabian girl that works at a small fishers company. She is a dreamer who doesn't care about boys, especially those boys she works with. The only one she cares for is her loyal donkey: Sofiane. One day a misterios girl arives. The arrival of this girl triggers that Farouzi jumps on her donkey to find her luck...
Netherlands, 2006.
8. The Kiss. 2010.
Aimee and Steph are up for an adventure; its a hot summer's night and they are fueled by cheap alcohol and teen hormones. The promise of cool water lures the two girls to an isolated fire-water tank. Once there, the intimate mood of the tank takes a dramatic turn, forcing Aimee to make a decision that she will question for the rest of her life.
Australia, 2010.
1280x720 HD
9. BàBà. 2021.
Filmmaker Dorothy Sing Zhang travels to Geneva to meet 8 siblings she had only met only in recent times. The politics between the large family foster inter-fighting that brings old trauma to the surface. The blurred line between the sacrificed father, the uncontrollable and the edges of tough love.
Canada, 2021.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
10. Eremittkrepsen. 1996.
Young Ane tends to her crab collection while her parents are inside the house arguing quite wildly.
Norway, 1996.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 125.


Monday, June 10, 2024

Das Schulgespenst / School Ghost. 1986. FULL-HD.

Das Schulgespenst / School Ghost. 1986. FULL-HD.
Carola is a mischievous girl who doesn't care much for school - except for sports and recess, of course. Without her good friend Willi to keep her on the straight and narrow, she would really be in trouble. One day at school, Carola has an idea. She invents what she calls "International Ghosts' Day" and a ghost named "Buh" to go with it. When Buh turns out to be less-than-imaginary the two decide to switch places, with Buh taking on all the schoolwork, and Carola taking the opportunity to play practical jokes on all her friends. However, Carola soon finds that being a ghost loses its appeal, and when she decides to switch back, Buh doesn't play along. It's up to her playmate to step in and help her get her body back.
Director: Rolf Losansky.
Cast: Nicole Lichtenheldt, Ricardo Roth, Rolf Ludwig, Carl Heinz Choynski, Axel Wandtke, Barbara Dittus, Dietmar Richter-Reinick, Karin Düwel, Inge Noack, Evamaria Bath, Martina Eitner-Acheampong.
DDR, DEFA, 1986.
Language: German.
Das Schulgespenst / School Ghost. 1986. FULL-HD.
Das Schulgespenst / School Ghost. 1986. FULL-HD.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

En flicka på halsen / Saddled with a Girl. 1982.

En flicka på halsen / Saddled with a Girl. 1982.
Johan works at a laboratory, where his boss never calls him by the same name twice. One day, he discovers that one of his neighbors, Bengt, has left his little daughter, Pia, in his care, since he's on the run from the two clumsy villains Kurt and Felix. Johan had not been counting on taking care of a little girl, when he's got his job to think about, especially not when he discovers, that she's much more difficult to deal with than he had expected. When Johan falls in love with another neighbor of his, Marie-Louise, who has just moved in, and Kurt and Felix start sneaking around his apartment, it gets even more complicated for him to be saddled with this girl.
Director: Tomas Löfdahl.
Cast: Björn Skifs, Liv Alsterlund Gösta Ekman, Stig Ossian Ericson, Anki Lidén, Roland Jansson, Gösta Engström, Magnus Härenstam, Ragnar Frisk, Gunnar Ernblad, Fredrik Ohlsson, Henrik S. Järrel.
Sweden, 1982.
Language: Swedish.
Download En flicka på halsen / Saddled with a Girl. 1982.
En flicka på halsen / Saddled with a Girl. 1982.
En flicka på halsen / Saddled with a Girl. 1982.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Eksperimentet / The Experiment. 2010. FULL-HD.

Eksperimentet / The Experiment. 2010. FULL-HD.
Eksperimentet (English: The Experiment) is a 2010 Danish drama film written and directed by Louise Friedberg, and starring Ellen Hillingsø. The film premiered on 28 August 2010 in the Katuaq Culture Centre in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. The release date of the film in Denmark was 9 September 2010.
This is the story of the nurse Gert, who is appointed as headmistress of a special children's home, owned by the Danish state in Greenland, 1951. The children's home is intended to accommodate 16 carefully selected Greenlandic children, who have just come home after a year of civilization in Denmark. Now they are to be introduced into the Greenlandic community as role models. Gert, who lives alone and has no family, accepts the assignment with pride. She is idealistic and ambitious and feels passionate about saving Greenland from destitution. The means to this end is to educate and civilize the 16 children in the Danish language and culture, so they can spearhead Greenland's transformation from being a poor hunter society to being an equal part of Denmark. Due to her blind faith in the experiment, Gert underestimates the obvious personal costs to the children. And when the children as well as the Danish state fail her, she finds it harder and harder to maintain her idealism.
Director: Louise Friedberg.
Cast: Tanja Kielsen, Laura With Bødker, Julia Naamansen, Benjamin With Bødker, Pilutaq Mati Stork, Najaaraq Stork, Nukappiaaluk Nielsen, Cecilie A. Kjeldsen, Hugo Magnus Jerimiassen, Iben Constance Francie Lange, Ellen Hillingsø.
Denmark, 2010.
Languages: Danish, Greenlandic.
Subtitles: English, Danish, Greenlandic, German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Eksperimentet / The Experiment. 2010.
Eksperimentet / The Experiment. 2010. FULL-HD.
Eksperimentet / The Experiment. 2010. FULL-HD.


Friday, June 7, 2024

Sweetwater. 1988. FULL-HD.

Sweetwater. 1988. FULL-HD.
As a result of many years of searching, a high-quality copy of this film was finally found!
NO. I Sweetwater etter den store krigen eller det store krakket. Den unge arkitekten Allan Ung bestemmer seg for å flytte sin lille familie ut av byen, til det han mener er trygghet på en enorm søppelfylling. Der ute slår de seg ned, Allan, hans kone Lisa og deres seks år gamle sønn Boy. De tror de er alene, og lærer seg sakte å overlevet på avfallet fra byen. Allan drar hver dag inn til byen hvor han arbeider på en bensinstasjon. Han har stadige konfrontasjoner med Roy Indiana, en ung mann som representerer den voldelige og undertrykkende nye samfunnsformen.
Det største problemet de har på søppelfyllingen er å skaffe en jevn tilførsel av ferskvann. I sin jakt på rent vann snubler de over andre mennesker som bor på eller ved søppelfyllingen. Den eldre legen Doc og hans kone Martha, den stumme kjempen Run-Run og broren hans Felix, den prostituerte negressen Mary Diamond og hennes venn Smiley. De blir alle sterkt knyttet til hverandre. Et forhold oppstår mellom Allan og Mary Diamond, mens Lisa finner trøst i Doc. Volden i Sweetwater sprer seg til søppelfyllingen, og mot slutten leder Mary og Allan, bevæpnet med Docs revolver, den lille flokken fra søppelfyllingen tilbake til Sweetwater.
SE. Sweetwater är en norsk-svensk science fiction-, drama- och thrillerfilm från 1988 i regi av Lasse Glomm och med manus av Glomm och Petter Skavlan. I rollerna ses bland andra Bentein Baardson, Petronella Barker och Alphonsia Emmanuel.
Efter ett stort ödeläggande krig flyttar den unge arkitekten Allan ut från staden Sweetwater till en soptipp. Där lever han tillsammans med familjen och livnär sig på soporna från staden. Det största problemet är att få tag på färskvatten och i sökandet efter detta stöter Allan på en rad personer som blir hans vänner. Till slut sprids våldet från staden ända ut till soptippen.
EN. Sweetwater is a 1988 Norwegian science-fiction thriller film directed by Lasse Glomm. It is about the struggle to survive in an anarchic vision of the future, and it is based on the novels Uår. Aftenlandet and Uår. Sweetwater by Knut Faldbakken. The books were published in 1974 and 1976. Sweetwater was filmed at locations in Rome and London. The film has been aired on NRK several times.
The action takes place in a grim anarchist future civilization after a big crash or war. A young man, Allan (Bentein Baardson), decides to move out of the city as his family live in. He brings his wife, Lisa ('Petronella Barker'), and the son to a big garbage dump located outside the city. Where they settle and survive on the waste they find on the dump. They are in many ways more closely related to each other by living this way, and Lisa eventually becomes pregnant. But there is a great shortage of water (Sweetwater) and the family of three must go out and look for water. When they discover they are not alone in staying in landfill. It will be a struggle for existence.
 Director: Lasse Glomm.
Cast: Bentein Baardson, Petronella Barker, Martin Disch, Alphonsia Emmanuel, Per Jansen, Sven Wollter, Sverre Anker Ousdal, Bjørn Sundquist Sundquist, Tom Tellefsen, Elsa Lystad, Morten Faldaas, Terje Strømdahl, Lars Arentz-Hansen.
Sweden, Norway, 1988.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English, Norwegian, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Sweetwater. 1988.
Sweetwater. 1988. FULL-HD.
Sweetwater. 1988. FULL-HD.

Sweetwater. 1988. FULL-HD.
Sweetwater. 1988. FULL-HD.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Va voir maman, papa travaille / Your Turn, My Turn. 1978. FULL-HD.

Va voir maman, papa travaille / Your Turn, My Turn. 1978. FULL-HD.
FR. Va voir maman, papa travaille est un film français réalisé par François Leterrier, sorti en 1978.
Inspiré du roman de Françoise Dorin, Va voir maman, papa travaille est un film de 1978. Mère de famille et épouse modèle, Agnès percute un véhicule alors qu'elle est en train de visiter le zoo de Thoiry avec son fils Jérome. Elle tombe, à la suite de diverses rencontres avec lui, amoureuse du chauffeur de la voiture accidentée.
EN. Family mother and model wife, Agnes hits a vehicle while driving in Paris. She immediately falls in love with the driver of the damaged car.
Director: François Leterrier.
Cast: Marlène Jobert, Philippe Léotard, Daniel Duval, Micheline Presle, Macha Méril, Vladimir Andres, Catherine Rich, Albina du Boisrouvray, Sylvie Joly, Laurence Badie, Pascal Sellier, Annette Poivre, Marthe Villalonga.
France, 1978.
Language: French.
Subtitles: French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Va voir maman, papa travaille / Your Turn, My Turn. 1978.
Va voir maman, papa travaille / Your Turn, My Turn. 1978. FULL-HD.
Va voir maman, papa travaille / Your Turn, My Turn. 1978. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Muž přes palubu. 1980.

Muž přes palubu. 1980.
 CZ. Desetiletý David se stává členem dětského jachtařského klubu. Cvičí s ostatními dětmi a pomáhá stavět další plachetnice, ale skutečného plachtění si zpočátku moc neužije. Časem však vedoucí oddílu Vala rozhodne, že bude jezdit s jeho synem Oldou místo Bédi Hudce. Kdyby se osvědčil, je naděje, že by se chlapci mohli dostat na mezinárodní regatu do Finska. Oddílovou soutěž sice vyhrají, ale cesta k vytouženému cíli je ještě dlouhá. Davidovi se ježdění s Oldou zprvu líbí. Vyhrávají a jeho polička nad postelí se plní získanými cenami. Proto je také ochoten trpět i to, že si z něj nafoukaný Olda udělal poskoka. David se ho pokouší změnit, donutit ho, aby se k němu choval lépe. Zatímco trenér oddílu, přezdívaný Kocour, se snaží získat pro oddíl vlastní autobus, pan Kubíček, který viděl Oldovo chování k Davidovi, se snaží syna přesvědčit, že by neměl svou čest vyměnit za místo na palubě plachetnice. Po dalších Oldových ústrcích se David skutečně rozhodne pro vzpouru, a to přímo uprostřed rozhodujícího závodu.
EN. Ten-year-old David joins a sailing club. He trains hard and helps repair the sailing boats, but people have to take turns actually sailing. The club chairman Vala wants David to sail with his son Olda. Olda's previous team mate Béda has grown too fast, but with little David Olda could win a place on the regatta to Finland. Olda is arrogant and accustomed to winning with little effort; he bullies David and calls him "Greenhorn". He makes David his servant and blames him when things go wrong.
Director: Jaromír Borek.
Cast: Viktor Král, René Bílek, Ivan Vyskočil, Alois Švehlík, Jiří Havel, Slávka Hozová, Miroslav Švejda, Pavel Jiras, Daniela Šrajerová, Renáta Doleželová, Stanislav Oubram, Milada Bednářová, Ladislav Trojan, Jiří Kaňák, Daniel Šedivák, Lukáš Hraběta, Zora Vesecká, Andrea Sedláčková, Jan Papež, Jan Šedivý, Dominika Štípková, Jaroslav Suchánek, Renáta Pronová, Miriam Chytilová, Alan Kubant, Leoš Rousek, Mirko Musil, Vlastimila Vlková, Stanislav Hájek, Marie Štrampachová, Milada Ježková, Josef Jonáš, Dalimil Klapka, Jan Kotva, Jaromír Kučera, Daniela Vacková, Dalibor Štys, Jindřich Goetz, Vladimír Salač, Radek Štícha, Věra Juřicová, Jan Pohan.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1980.
Language: Czech.
Download Muž přes palubu. 1980.

Muž přes palubu. 1980.
Muž přes palubu. 1980.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ladybirds. 2006.

Ladybirds. 2006.
“When I was little I believed that ladybirds turned into ladies, tigersnakes turned into tigers, dragonflies turned into dragons…”
Ladybirds is a charming and poignant story about a young girl reminiscing about her childhood. She looks back on babies popping out of belly buttons, eating the Easter Bunny for lunch and the little man who lived in the fridge.
Director: Elissa Down.
Cast: Sarah Downes.
Australia, 2006.
Language: English.
Download Ladybirds. 2006.
Ladybirds. 2006.
Ladybirds. 2006.


Monday, June 3, 2024

Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972. FULL-HD.

Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972. FULL-HD.
HU. Gera, a sikeres cigány festő otthagyja kivételezett helyzetét és festményei elégetése után visszatér nyomorban tengődő társai közé. Az a terve, hogy megreformálja a cigányok életét. De senki sem lehet próféta a saját hazájában. Szándékait, céljait nem értik meg, és nem tud hatni a többiekre. Aztán egy öngyilkos kislány halotti torán elszabadulnak az indulatok...
A film a cigányság 70-es évekbeli világának dokumentarista jellegű bemutatása.
EN. The director of Meztelen Vagy was imprisoned for many years during the latter part of the Stalin era and is known for his highly imagistic and symbolic storytelling techniques. This film tells its story in the same way, and at no point is the story made explicit. Images of love, death, suicide, violence and mutilation dominate.
Director: Imre Gyöngyössy.
Cast: Oszter Sándor, Szegő István, Rácz Irén, Józsefné Seres, Tiborné Fényes, Erzsi Cserhalmi, Károly Lakatos, Károlyné Lakatos, Tibor Bódi, József Rácz, Liza Balogh, Jenõ Dósa, László Horváth, Jenõné Dósa.
Hungary, 1972.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English, Hungarian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.
Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972. FULL-HD.
Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972. FULL-HD.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Ya-Kōō. 1985.

Ya-Kōō. 1985.
ES. Pepiwe es un niño yanomami quien experimenta la visión de dos culturas al entrar en una misión religiosa. Dos mundos en conflicto. Observa de las religiosas el culto a un Dios nuevo (Cristo, representado en la cruz y en la ostia) mientras advierte que hay un deslinde de su nicho natural.
EN. Pepiwe (played by Jose Gregorio Payema) is a Yanomami boy living in a Catholic mission. After getting into an argument with his teacher about the name of his river (she says Rio Siapa; he calls it Periquitos), Pepiwe decides to return to the jungle to look for his family. He paddles down the Orinoco with his dog and parrot, and during a stopover on land he meets yet another nun (Flor Núñez), but not one from his mission. She pays the boy to show him the way to San Carlos de Rio Negro (by the Colombian border). He reluctantly agrees, but after a day's journey the nun tries to sneak away and loses the canoe. Ya-Koo has elements of a road movie with comically mismatched traveling companions, and the two leads have great chemistry, but it is much more than that. When we see Pepiwe in his own element, wise in his own jungle, feeding and caring for both himself and the lost nun in the beautiful and deadly rain forest, we feel that an entire culture and way of life is being celebrated. And also, perhaps, mourned. Ya-Koo is the Tupi word for good-bye.
Director: Franco Rubartelli.
Cast: Jose Gregorio Payema, Arantza Fuentes, Emilio Fuentes, Flor Núñez,
Venezuela, 1985.
Language: Spanish.
Download Ya-Kōō. 1985.
Ya-Kōō. 1985.
Ya-Kōō. 1985.