Forum Cinema Paradiso

Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Le plongeon / The Dive. 2014. HD.

Le plongeon / The Dive. 2014. HD.
EN. Having just turned thirteen, Leo sets himself a personal challenge and decides to jump off the highest diving board. As he waits his turn amongst adults, he looks back on the childhood he is leaving behind and his dive takes on a deeper meaning.
ES. Con trece años, en el borde del precipicio de la edad adulta, un niño subido en un trampolín, se enfrenta al abismo.
Director: Delphine Le Courtois.
Cast: Louis Leenart, Laure Mounier, Benjamin Tual, Katy Bobet, Marie Kawczynski, Erell Fischer, Frédéric Sechet, Justin Flore, Emmanuelle Vivier.
France, 2014.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Le plongeon / The Dive. 2014.
Le plongeon / The Dive. 2014. HD.
Le plongeon / The Dive. 2014. HD.


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