Forum Cinema Paradiso

Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Einzug ins Paradies. 1985-1987.

Einzug ins Paradies. 1985-1987.

Einzug ins Paradies. 1985-1987.Einzug ins Paradies: DDR-Serie über Glück und Leid in einem neuerrichteten Plattenbau in Berlin-Marzahn. Fünf Familien ziehen erwartungsvoll in die oberen Stockwerke eines gerade fertig gestellten Wohnblocks in Berlin-Marzahn. Familie Hellgrewe samt Oma, die Weitholds, die Walks und die Taubes mit ihren Kindern sowie die allein erziehende Erika Fürstenau mit Tochter Manon. Alle hoffen auf einen “Einzug ins Paradies”. Doch in dem tristen Neubau liegt vieles im Argen, nicht nur die halbfertigen Balkone mit noch unvollständigen Trennwänden.
Director: Achim Hubner, Wolfgang Hubner.
Cast: Kurt Bowe, Walfriede Schmitt, Friedhelm Eberle, Alexander Heidenreich, Justus Carriere, Michaela Hotz, Werner Tietze, Barbara Dittus, Erika Pelikowsky, Jutta Wachowiak.
DDR, DEFA, 1985-1987.
Language: German.
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Einzug ins Paradies. 1985-1987.
Einzug ins Paradies. 1985-1987.

L'amant / The Lover. 1992. DVD.

L'amant / The Lover. 1992. DVD.
 «She gave her innocence, her passion, her body. The one thing she couldn't give was her love.»
The Lover (French: L'Amant) is a 1992 drama film produced by Claude Berri and directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud. Based on the semi-autobiographical 1984 novel by Marguerite Duras, the film details the illicit affair between a teenage French girl and a wealthy Chinese man in 1929 French Indochina. In the screenplay written by Annaud and Gérard Brach, the 15 1/2-year-old protagonist is portrayed by actress Jane March, who turned eighteen shortly after filming began. Her lover is portrayed by actor Tony Leung Ka-fai. The film features full-frontal male and female nudity.
Production began in 1989, with filming commencing in 1991. The film made its theatrical debut on 22 January 1992, with an English release in the United Kingdom in June and in the United States in October of the same year. The film won the Motion Picture Sound Editors's 1993 Golden Reel award for "Best Sound Editing — Foreign Feature" and the 1993 César Award for Best Music Written for a Film. The film was a box office success, and received fairly positive reviews from the general audience along with mostly negative reviews from American critics. Overall, the film's performances and cinematography were generally praised.
It is French Colonial Vietnam in 1929. A young French girl from a family that is having some monetary difficulties is returning to boarding school. She is alone on public transportation when she catches the eye of a wealthy Chinese businessman. He offers her a ride into town in the back of his chauffeured sedan, and sparks fly. Can the torrid affair that ensues between them overcome the class restrictions and social mores of that time? Based on the semi-autobiographical novel by Marguerite Duras.
Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud.
Cast: Jane March, Tony Ka Fai Leung, Frédérique Meininger, Arnaud Giovaninetti, Melvil Poupaud, Lisa Faulkner, Xiem Mang, Philippe Le Dem, Ann Schaufuss, Quach Van An, Raymonde Heudeline, Yvonne Wingerter.
France, UK, Vietnam, 1992.
Language: English, French, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Portuguese, Spanish.
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L'amant / The Lover. 1992. DVD.
L'amant / The Lover. 1992. DVD.

Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas / Innocents from Hell. 1977.

Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas / Innocents from Hell. 1977.
ES. Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas es una película de horror mexicana de 1978, dirigida por Juan López Moctezuma y protagonizada por Tina Romero en el rol principal. Está basada en Carmilla, novela corta de 1872 escrita por Sheridan Le Fanu. Narra la historia de dos huérfanas que viven en un convento católico y se ven enfrentadas a una posesión diabólica. A pesar de ser una película mexicana, fue originalmente filmada en inglés, como se puede evidenciar en los diálogos de los actores. Fue lanzada en cines en México el 26 de enero de 1978.
Los sucesos tienen lugar en un convento católico en México que sirve a la vez como orfanato. Alucarda, una huérfana de quince años, ha vivido en el convento toda su vida. Justine, otra huérfana de edad similar, llega al convento. Ella y Alucarda estrechan una fuerte amistad, hasta el extremo de casi desearse sexualmente.
Mientras juegan en un bosque cercano al convento, las niñas se topan con unos extraños gitanos, los cuales atraen una presencia diabólica al abrir un ataúd. A partir de allí, una serie de eventos extraños empiezan a azotar al convento.
EN. A young girl's arrival at a convent after the death of her parents marks the beginning of a series of events that unleash an evil presence on the girl and her mysterious new friend, an enigmatic figure known as Alucarda. Demonic possession, Satan worship, and vampirism follows.
Director: Juan López Moctezuma.
Cast: Claudio Brook, David Silva, Tina Romero, Susana Kamini, Lili Garza, Tina French, Birgitta Segerskog, Adriana Roel, Antonia Guerrero, Martin LaSalle, Manuel Dondé, Agustín Isunza.
Mexico, 1977.
Language: Russian (English).
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Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas / Innocents from Hell. 1977.
Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas / Innocents from Hell. 1977.

Sune i Grekland - All Inclusive. 2012.

Sune i Grekland - All Inclusive. 2012.
 SE: Sune ar tillbaka! Tillsammans med lillebror Hakan Brakan, storasyster Anna, mamma Karin och pappa Rudolf drar Sune till Grekland pa sommarlovet. Som varje sommar forut planerar familjen Andersson sin semestervecka i Myggtrask. Da hander det mest ovantade, pappa Rudolf bokar en charterresa till Grekland. Familjen blir overlycklig men fragorna om resan ar manga.
Pa plats i Grekland intraffar katastroferna, Sune tappar sin tjejtjusarkraft, Hakan Brakan gillar verkligen inte trollet Julle i barngruppen, mamma Karin blir mer och mer irriterad pa Rudolf. Samtidigt upptacker pappa Rudolf att det ar all inclusive och vilka oanade mojligheter det for med sig.
EN: As with almost all modern Swedish comedies, the recognition factor is high. If you have been on a family charter holiday to Greece, or another holiday resort around the Mediterranean, you will recognize many of the funny episodes. You will also recognize the characters from real life.
Director: Hannes Holm.
Cast: William Ringström, Morgan Alling, Anja Lundqvist, Hanna Elffors Elfström, Julius Jimenez Hugoson, Madeleine Barwén Trollvik, Sofia Rönnegård, Manos Gavras.
Sweden, 2012.
Language: Russian (Swedish).
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Sune i Grekland - All Inclusive. 2012.
Sune i Grekland - All Inclusive. 2012.

Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas / Nicholas on Holiday. 2014.

Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas / Nicholas on Holiday. 2014.
 FR. C’est la fin de l’année scolaire. Le moment tant attendu des vacances est arrivé. Le petit Nicolas, ses parents et Mémé prennent la route en direction de la mer, et s’installent pour quelques temps à l’Hôtel Beau-Rivage. Sur la plage, Nicolas se fait vite de nouveaux copains : il y a Blaise, qui n’est pas en vacances parce qu’il vit ici, Fructueux, qui aime tout, même le poisson, Djodjo, qui ne parle pas comme eux parce qu'il est anglais, Crépin, qui pleure tout le temps, et Côme, qui veut toujours avoir raison et c’est très énervant. Mais Nicolas fait aussi la connaissance d’Isabelle, une petite fille qui le regarde tout le temps avec de grands yeux ronds et inquiétants, et à laquelle il croit que ses parents veulent le marier de force. Les quiproquos s'accumulent, et les bêtises commencent. Une chose est sûre : ce sera, pour tout le monde, des vacances inoubliables...
EN. It's the end of the school year. The long-awaited moment of summer vacation has arrived. Little Nicolas, his parents, and Grandma head to Hotel Beau-Rivage by the seaside. On the beach, Nicolas quickly makes a new set of friends: there's Blaise, who isn't on vacation because he lives in the area, Fructueux, who likes everything, even fish, Djodjo, who doesn't speak like them because he's English, Crépin, who cries all the time, and Côme, who always wants to be right and who is very annoying. But Nicolas also gets to know Isabelle, a little girl who always looks at him with big, round and worried eyes, and who Nicolas believes his parents want to force him to marry. Misunderstandings accumulate, blunders begin. One thing's for sure: for everyone, this will be an unforgettable vacation.
Director: Laurent Tirard.
Cast: Mathéo Boisselier, Niccolo Senni, Hugo Sepulveda, Valérie Lemercier, Kad Merad,  Dominique Lavanant, François-Xavier Demaison, Bouli Lanners, Luca Zingaretti, Judith Henry, Francis Perrin, Daniel Prévost, Bruno Lochet, Fabienne Galula, Erja Malatier, Lionel Abelanski,  Jean-Michel Lahmi, Christian Hecq, Chann Aglat, Nathalie Beder, Barbara Bolotner, Margarita Gauchet, Anne-Lise Kedvès, Audrey Quoturi, Guillaume Rumiel Braun.
France, 2014.
Language: French, Russian.
1280x688 HD
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Part 1
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Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas / Nicholas on Holiday. 2014.
Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas / Nicholas on Holiday. 2014.

Dziewczyna i chłopak. 1977.

Dziewczyna i chłopak. 1977.
 Polski film i serial telewizyjny w reżyserii Stanisława Lotha z roku 1977, luźna adaptacja filmowa książki Dziewczyna i chłopak, czyli heca na 14 fajerek Hanny Ożogowskiej.
W Warszawie mieszka dwójka bliźniaczo podobnego do siebie rodzeństwa: Tomek i Tosia (w ich role wcieliło się rodzeństwo, nie bliźniacze Anna Sieniawska i rok starszy Wojciech Sieniawski). Przed wyjazdem na wakacje, w tajemnicy przed rodzicami rodzeństwo zamienia się rolami. Tomek jako Tosia trafia do ciotki na wieś, podczas gdy Tosia jako Tomek udaje się do leśniczówki będącej we władaniu ich krewnego. Damsko-męskie qui pro quo prowadzi do rozlicznych, często komicznych, epizodów.
Director: Stanisław Loth.
Cast: Anna Sieniawska, Wojciech Sieniawski, Stanisław Mikulski, Barbara Sołtysik, Teresa Lipowska, Michał Sumiński, Dariusz Biskupski, Grzegorz Studziński, Anna Milewska, Elżbieta Dąbrowska.
Poland, 1977.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
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Dziewczyna i chłopak. 1977.
Dziewczyna i chłopak. 1977.

Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971. DVD.

Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971. DVD.
 IT. Della serie "Africa Addio", questa volta però dedicato allo schiavismo negli Stati Uniti. Un pseudo-documentario realizzato da due autori da tempo dediti al genere, dotati di mezzi e di indubbie capacità tecniche, decisamente spese male. Jacopetti e Prosperi hanno uno sguardo morboso, e la loro produzione paga pegno ad un razzismo latente (il titolo non aiuta, con il rimando allo stereotipo dello zio Tom) e allarmante. "Addio Zio Tom" (poi rieditato senza più l'addio) è stato realizzato ad Haiti. Lo stesso dittatore Papa Doc avrebbe favorito la non facile lavorazione tra le centinaia di comparse autoctone.
EN. Goodbye Uncle Tom (Italian: Addio Zio Tom) is a 1971 Italian film directed by Mondo film documentary directors Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi with music by Riz Ortolani. The film is based on true events in which the filmmakers explore antebellum America, using period documents to examine in graphic detail the racist ideology and degrading conditions faced by Africans under slavery. Because of the use of published documents and materials from the public record, the film labels itself a documentary, though all footage is re-staged using actors. Though the film is presented as a documentary, it is more of a historical drama or docudrama because of its fantasy framing device of the directors travelling back in time combined with the re-staging of historical events.
The film has frequently been criticized as racist, despite directors Jacopetti and Prosperi's claims to the contrary. In Roger Ebert's 1972 review of the shorter American version, he asserts that the directors have "Made the most disgusting, contemptuous insult to decency ever to masquerade as a documentary." He goes on to call the film "Cruel exploitation", suggesting that the directors degraded the black actors playing slaves by having them enact the extremely dehumanizing situations the film depicts. Critic Pauline Kael called the film "the most specific and rabid incitement to race war", a view shared by white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, who claimed the film was a Jewish conspiracy to incite blacks to violence against whites.
The directors denied charges of racism; in the 2003 documentary Godfathers of Mondo they specifically note that one of their intentions in making Addio Zio Tom was to "make a new film that would be clearly anti-racist" in response to criticism by Ebert and others over perceived racism in their previous film Africa Addio.
The film was considered to have been a critical and commercial failure.
The film was shot primarily in Haiti, where directors Jacopetti and Prosperi were treated as guests of Haitian dictator Papa Doc Duvalier. Duvalier supported the filmmakers by giving them diplomatic cars, clearance to film anywhere on the island, as many extras as they required, and even a nightly dinner with Duvalier himself. Hundreds of Haitian extras participated in the film's various depictions of the cruel treatment of slaves, as well as white actors portraying historical characters (including Harriet Beecher Stowe).
The directors' cut of Addio Zio Tom draws parallels between the horrors of slavery and the rise of the Black Power Movement, represented by Eldridge Cleaver, LeRoi Jones, Stokely Carmichael, and a few others. The film ends with an unidentified man's fantasy re-enactment of William Styron's The Confessions of Nat Turner. This man imagines Nat Turner's revolt in the present, including the brutal murder of the whites around him, who replace the figures Turner talks about in Styron's novel as the unidentified reader speculates about Turner's motivations and ultimate efficacy in changing the conditions he rebelled against.
This is directors' cut of Addio Zio Tom 136 minutes (uncut).
Directors: Gualtiero Jacopetti, Franco Prosperi.
Cast: Gualtiero Jacopetti (Himself),  Franco Prosperi (Himself), Cicely Browne, Lewis E. Ciannelli, Geoffrey Copleston, Dick Gregory, Ernest Kubler, Anthony La Penna, Gene Luotto, Edward Mannix, Richard McNamara, Robert Sommer, Robert Spafford, Shelley Spurlock.
Italy, 1971.
1. DVD9:
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
2. DVDRip:
Language: Italian, Russian.
Download DVD Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971:
 3 parts archive:

 Download Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. DVDRip.
Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971. DVD.
Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971. DVD.
Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971. DVD.
Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971. DVD.

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