Forum Cinema Paradiso

Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


Friday, February 7, 2020

Surviving Crooked Lake / Portage. 2008.

Surviving Crooked Lake / Portage. 2008.

Surviving Crooked Lake / Portage. 2008.
 A summertime canoe trip turns into a nightmare for four 14-year-old girls.
 In this sensual, intense, indie feature drama, a quartet of teenage girls embark on a canoe-and-camping trip with a slightly older male guide in the endless wilderness of the Canadian Shield. His younger sister Steph – who is desperately afraid of the water – is one of the campers. Once the group is underway, romantic tensions erupt and disaster strikes, forcing the girls to face a grueling and desperate trip back to civilization. Shot in tight close-ups with a fluid camera that sees the landscape first as an embodiment of desire and second as a distortion of reality, Surviving Crooked Lake crackles with suspense and intrigue. It will leave you wondering about the mysteries of the adolescent heart and mind, the bonds of family, and to the looming influence of nature and landscape. Surviving Crooked Lake makes for an elemental example of the cinematic survival story, in the tradition of Deliverance and Open Water.
Directors: Sascha Drews, Ezra Krybus.
Cast: Alysha Aubin, Candice Mausner, Morgan McCunn, Stephannie Richardson, Guy Yarkoni, Grant Palmer, Shae-Lynn Bouche, Dylan Cassidy, Sarah Cassidy, Cassandra Gravelle, Alex Essoe, Sean Myers.
Canada, 2008.
Language: English.
Download Surviving Crooked Lake / Portage.
Surviving Crooked Lake / Portage. 2008.
Surviving Crooked Lake / Portage. 2008.

Ava. 2017. HD.

Ava. 2017. HD.
FR. Ava est un film écrit et réalisé par Léa Mysius sorti le 21 juin 2017. Le film a concouru lors de la 56e Semaine de la critique.
Ava, 13 ans, est en vacances au bord de l'océan quand elle apprend qu'elle va perdre la vue plus vite que prévu. Sa mère décide de faire comme si de rien n’était pour passer le plus bel été de leur vie. Ava affronte le problème à sa manière. Elle vole un grand chien noir qui appartient à un jeune homme en fuite…
EN. Ava is a 2017 French drama film directed by Léa Mysius. It was screened in the International Critics' Week section at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival. At Cannes it won the SACD Award.
Ava, 13, is spending the summer on the Atlantic coast when she learns that she will lose her sight sooner than expected. Her mother decides to act as if everything were normal so as to spend their best summer ever. Ava confronts the problem in her own way. She steals a big black dog that belongs to a young man on the run...
Director: Léa Mysius.
Cast: Noée Abita, Laure Calamy, Juan Cano, Tamara Cano, Ismaël Capelot, Carmen Gimenez, Mary Lefèvre, Vincent Grousset, Paul Meulins, Mila Cheuzzi, Nolan Dos Santos, Thiméo Méric Guarese, Romain Biderre, Sabrina Gimenez, Cindy Gimenez.
France, 2017.
Language: French.
Subtitle: English, German, Russian.
1920x1080 HD
Download Ava. 2017:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Ava. 2017. HD.
Ava. 2017. HD.

Den vita stenen. 1973. 13 episodes.

Den vita stenen. 1973. 13 episodes.
 SE. Den vita stenen ar en svensk TV-serie pa 13 delar fran 1973. Den var baserad pa Gunnel Lindes barnbok Den vita stenen fran 1964. TV-serien premiarvisades pa SVT1 fran 6 oktober till 29 december 1973. Serien visades ocksa pa norsk tv forsta gangen i 1975. Det har varit flera ganger i repris pa NRK, bland annat 1982.
Serien regisserades av Goran Graffman.
Fia bor i Haradshovdingens hus och ager den vita stenen, som inte bara ar vit och vacker utan aven len. Fia haller stenen kar men en dag traffar hon Hampus som lovar att mala ogon-nasa-mun pa kyrkklockan om han far stenen av Fia. Fia i det fina huset och skomakarens brorson Hampus utvecklar en spannande vanskap byggd pa utmaningar.
Tva barn, Fia som bor i haradshovdingens hus, och Hampus som ar skomakarens brorson, inleder en lek dar de maste utfora olika uppdrag for att kunna erovra en vit sten fran varandra. Hampus, som kallar sig Farornas konung efter en figur pa en cirkus, lovar att mala oga-nasa-mun pa kyrkuret, och lyckas med det. Fia, som anvander namnet Fideli, far utmaningen att vara tyst en hel dag, men det gor det valdigt svart for henne att varna Farornas konung nar haradshovdingen tanker undersoka vem som klottrat pa kyrkans egendom.
EN. Fia and her mother, a piano-teacher, live in the country villa with bad-tempered housekeeper Malin. One day a boy called Hampus comes to the village together with his uncle, a shoemaker.
Script: Gunnel Linde.
Director: Goran Graffman.

Cast: Julia Hede-Wilkens, Ulf Hasseltorp, Eva Dahlqvist, Mona Dan-Bergman, Goran Graffman, Monica Nordquist, Ulf Johansson, Betty Tuvén, Gunilla Söderholm, Ann-Charlotte Lithman.
Sweden, 1973.
Language: Swedish.
13 episodes, the series total duration of approximately 6.5 hours.
Den vita stenen. 1973.
Den vita stenen. 1973. 13 episodes.
 Den vita stenen. 1973.
Den vita stenen. 1973. 13 episodes.

Xilu xiang / Little Cheung. 2000.

Малыш Чунг / Xilu xiang / Little Cheung. 2000.
 In 1997, Little Cheung is a street-wise nine-year-old boy living in a bustling neighbourhood of Hong Kong, just before the reunification with China. His parents are always working at their restaurant, so Little Cheung becomes much closer to his grandmother and her Filipino maid Armi. Little Cheung befriends Fan, a girl his age who is an illegal immigrant from China. He splits his tips with her when she helps him deliver take-outs for his father. The pair have some amusing adventures, and delight in peeing in the drinks of a troublesome thug. Against his father's will, Little Cheung starts searching for his older brother, whom his father disowned because he became a gangster.
Director: Fruit Chan.
Cast: Yuet-Ming Yiu, Wai-Fan Mak, Yuet-Man Mak , Chum-Yuk Chuen, Armi Andres, Robby, Wai Yiu Yung, Sun-yau Chu, Gary Lai, Teoh Chang.
Hong Kong, 2000.
Language: Cantonese.
Subtitles: Russian.
Малыш Чунг / Xilu xiang / Little Cheung. 2000.
Xilu xiang / Little Cheung. 2000.

La canción de los niños muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008. HD.

La cancion de los ninos muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.
 Set on a remote beach, this long short is at times a harrowing account of brutality and recrimination. Several traumatised children mete out punishment to their elderly father for unimagined crimes in this meditation on grief, blame and consequences.
There is a stand-out performance from the actor playing the eldest son, Emilio, a thug shaped by tragedy and fear. It is difficult to surmise at times whether the gritty realism here is deliberate, or merely the landscape of an angry teenager's violent fantasies.
As tension between Emilio and his father continues to mount, the rivalry between the brothers is also played out in a series of confrontations. Magdalena, the only girl, retreats into silence as her body betrays her slow passage into womanhood and she is predictably a caring figure who consoles her youngest brother, who refuses to emerge from the wardrobe, where a mysterious silver chalice is kept. This chalice serves a perhaps surprising purpose in the film's conclusion.
Director: David Pablos.
Cast: Sebastian Aguirre, Rodrigo Azuela, Daniel Corkidi, Ana Elena Kelly, Jose Martinez, Ruben Pablos
Mexico, 2008.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
 1280x720 HD
Download La cancion de los ninos muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.
La cancion de los ninos muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.
La cancion de los ninos muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.

O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2001.

O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002.CZ. Devítidílný televizní seriál O ztracené lásce byl natočen podle stejnojmenné knihy a scénáře Evy Hudečkové. Říši krále Skrčka z Fištrónu postihne prokletí, jedno neštěstí stíhá druhé, lidská srdce se naplní bezohledností a krutostí, ztracen je i královský syn Pravoslav. To všechno způsobilo zpupné rozhodnutí krále vykázat ze země lásku jako nepotřebnou a bezvýznamnou věc. Naději pro budoucnost přináší venkovské děvčátko Honza. Přestože jí sudičky daly do vínku mnoho požehnaných vlastností, neuchrání ji od osudových ran a bolesti. Musí projít mnoha těžkými zkouškami, je stíhaná spíš zlem než dobrem, stává se terčem zášti a zloby. Honza se ale odmítá podřídit zlu a nenávisti, hledá ve svém srdci lásku jako jedinou možnou cestu k ostatním lidem. Snaží se zachránit osud milovaného prince Pravoslava i celé země, často se ocitá v nebezpečí smrti, když se obětuje pro jiné. Její strastiplnou pouť provázejí pohádkové bytosti, často stejně nevyzpytatelné jako lidé, s nimiž se na životní pouti potkává. Šťastný konec vše napraví, je však draze vykoupen a cesta k němu vede peklem.
The nine-part fairy tale serial narrates a dramatic, emotional story about a girl living in a world full of envy, anger and hatred. Though unloved and scorned, the girl sets out on a struggle against evil in order to free a prince held in prison, although her fate puts the hardest obstacles in her way. She often finds herself in mortal danger both in the human world and in the realm of fairy tales while sacrificing herself for others. In the end she finds out that „her prince“ has always been nearby. The real-life story is interwoven with uncommon fairy tale elements and fantasy figures. The fairy tale characters and the factual background create genuine artistic scenery, an integral part of the final form of the story. The extraordinary cast with many outstanding Czech, Slovak and Polish actors promises viewer success for this serial.
Director: Viktor Polesný, Josef Novák-Wajda.

Cast: Danica Jurčová, Zlata Adamovská, Jiřina Bohdalová, Vladimír Dlouhý, Zdeněk Dušek, Arnošt Goldflam, Hana Gregorová, Jiří Krejčík, Jiří Langmajer, Svatopluk Skopal, Michał Sieczkowski, Simona Stašová, Agnieszka Wagner, Zuzana Vejvodová, Nikol Štíbrová, Lucie Bílá, Jan Vlasák, Kateřina Brožová, Jana Janěková, Michal Novotný, Alena Sasínová-Polarczyk, Kristýna Frejová, Radoslav Brzobohatý, Michaela Doubravová, Tereza Němcová, Daniel Margolius, Zuzana Norisová, Daniela Šinkorová, Kristina Bastienová-Kloubková, Otakar Brousek st., Martin Sitta, Eva Nosálková-Leinweberová, Apolena Veldová, Michal Przebinda, Ondřej Brousek, Chantal Poullain-Polívková, Zdena Studenková, Anna Cónová, Richard Krajčo, Roman Skamene.
Czech Republic, 2002.

O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002.
O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002. Episode 2.

Leidenschaftliche Bluemchen / Boarding School. 1978.

Leidenschaftliche Bluemchen / Boarding School.
 Summer of 1956. Curious American girl Deborah Collins (Kinski) arrives at the St. Clara's Boarding School in Switzerland. The school headmistress wants to use Deborah as a tool to discipline the other girls but she is revealed to be more experienced and daring in sexual matters. The girls now plot to lose their virginity with the boys in the private school across the lake. After Deborah finally has sex with Frederick Sinclair (Sundquist) in a romantic setting, she is expelled and the other girls feel that everything will be so sad and boring without her. She informs the headmistress that she will tell everyone that the school is run by disreputable teachers if she expels the other girls. She departs on a train after kissing Frederick goodbye.
Director: Andre Farwagi.
Cast: Nastassja Kinski, Gerry Sundquist, Stefano D'Amato ,Carolin Ohrner, Gabriele Blum, Sean Chapman, Véronique Delbourg, Nigel Greaves, Marion Kracht, Kurt Raab, Fabiana Udenio, Peter Schmidt Pawloff.
West Germany, 1978.
Language: German.
Leidenschaftliche Bluemchen / Boarding School. 1978.
Leidenschaftliche Bluemchen / Boarding School. 1978.

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