Forum Cinema Paradiso

Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Ya Koo. 1985.

Ya Kōō. 1985.

Ya Koo. 1985.
 ES. Pepiwe es un niño yanomami quien experimenta la visión de dos culturas al entrar en una misión religiosa. Dos mundos en conflicto. Observa de las religiosas el culto a un Dios nuevo (Cristo, representado en la cruz y en la ostia) mientras advierte que hay un deslinde de su nicho natural.
EN. Pepiwe (played by Jose Gregorio Payema) is a Yanomami boy living in a Catholic mission. After getting into an argument with his teacher about the name of his river (she says Rio Siapa; he calls it Periquitos), Pepiwe decides to return to the jungle to look for his family. He paddles down the Orinoco with his dog and parrot, and during a stopover on land he meets yet another nun (Flor Núñez), but not one from his mission. She pays the boy to show him the way to San Carlos de Rio Negro (by the Colombian border). He reluctantly agrees, but after a day's journey the nun tries to sneak away and loses the canoe. Ya-Koo has elements of a road movie with comically mismatched traveling companions, and the two leads have great chemistry, but it is much more than that. When we see Pepiwe in his own element, wise in his own jungle, feeding and caring for both himself and the lost nun in the beautiful and deadly rain forest, we feel that an entire culture and way of life is being celebrated. And also, perhaps, mourned. Ya-Koo is the Tupi word for good-bye.
Director: Franco Rubartelli.
Cast: Jose Gregorio Payema, Arantza Fuentes, Emilio Fuentes, Flor Núñez,
Venezuela, 1985.
Language: Spanish.
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Ya Koo. 1985.
Ya Koo. 1985.

Zlaté časy / Great Times. 1978.

Zlaté časy / Great Times. 1978.
 CZ. Návrat do doby posledných dní druhej svetovej vojny videný očami detí. Súčasne s ich zážitkami a ich chápaním vojny sa rozvíja tragicky ladený príbeh mladého muža s veľkými životnými snami a mocnou túžbou žiť za každých okolností ako človek.
EN. Return until the last days of World War II seen through the eyes of children.
Director: Štefan Uher.
Cast: Milka Zimková, Viliam Polónyi, Ondrej Jariabek, Milan Kiš, Anton Šulík, Štefan Mišovic, Anton Trón, Jan Vlasák, Oľga Vronská, Martin Učík, Štefan Halás, Jindřich Světnica, Ryszarda Hanin.
Czechoslovakia, 1978.
Language: Czech.
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Zlaté časy / Great Times. 1978.
Zlaté časy / Great Times. 1978.

Salut les frangines. 1975.

Привет, ребята / Salut les frangines.1975.Denis spends a holiday at his friend's home, Marc. Staying with the family for several days, even though the Chotards have other things in mind than sex, he will have nice encounters with the girl of the house, Marianne, a young maid, and more.
Director: Michel Gerard.
Cast: Frederic Duru, Laure Cottereau, Jacqueline Jehanneuf, Maurice Biraud, Regis Porte.
France, 1975.
Language: French.
Download Salut les frangines.
Salut les frangines. 1975.
Salut les frangines. 1975.
Привет, ребята / Salut les frangines.1975.
Salut les frangines.1975.

Sweetwater. 1988.

Свитуотер / Sweetwater.
 Allan (Bentein Baardson) and Lisa (Petronella Barker) flee the war-torn city of Sweetwater with their young son for the safety of the municipal dump in this sleepy war drama. They join other displaced survivors who were driven from their homes. After Lisa gives birth to another child and Allan has a fling with the prostitute Mary Diamond (Alsphonsia Emmanuel), he trades Lisa for a gun. Allan leads a resistance group trying to retake their city who would rather fight and die than live in exile.
Director: Lasse Glomm.
Cast: Bentein Baardson, Petronella Barker, Martin Disch, Alphonsia Emmanuel, Per Jansen, Sven Wollter, Sverre Anker Ousdal, Bjorn Sundquist, Tom Tellefsen, Elsa Lystad, Morten Faldaas.
Sweden, Norway, 1988.
Language: Norwegian.
Свитуотер / Sweetwater. 1988.
Sweetwater. 1988.

La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.

La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.
 FR. Portrait d'une jeune fille qui n'a jamais fait l'amour et qui en meurt d'envie.
EN. Portrait of a girl who never made love and who dies of envy.
Film was demonstrated at the Cannes International Film Festival.
Director: Bénédicte Brunet.
Cast: Laure Cavallera, Hélène Force, René Fernandez, Prune Lieuthier, Quentin Conessa.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Download La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond.
La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.
La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985. HD.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985. HD.
 Ratio Rasch, the president of planet Gyllenblå, has banned laughter and emotions in order to create a society based on reason. Police are constantly patrolling the planet and anyone caught laughing is imprisoned and given anti-laughter serum. Only a few members of an underground guerrilla oppose the president. On Earth, the eccentric Dr. Krull listens to signals from outer space and realizes that something needs to be done so he sends the two children Cecilie and Fredrik to Gyllenblå. Epicykel, a guerrilla member, senses their presence and hopes to get to them first but fails. The children are put in school, where Fredrik has great difficulty controlling his laughter but Cecilie adapts well. The guerrilla knows that laughter is contagious and Fredrik gives them new hope of returning laughter to the people of Gyllenblå.
Writer: Roar Skolmen.
Director: Leif Krantz.
Cast: Maria Tornlund, Erik Lindgren, Liv Alsterlund, Sven-Erik Vikström, Kim Anderzon, Christina Carlwind, Maria Hedborg, Tuncel Kurtiz, Peder Falk, Lennart Tollén.
Sweden, 1985.
Language: Swedish.
Resolution 1280x720 HD.
Download Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985.
Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985. HD.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985. HD.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985. HD.
Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985.

Martha... Martha. 2001.

Martha... Martha. 2001.
 FR. De marché en marché, de coin de pêche en partie de monopoly, Martha, Reymond et leur fille Lise vivent et s'aiment à contre-courant. Le bonheur semble à portée de main.
Mais les fantômes de l'enfance guettent, et Martha, traquée, entraîne son petit monde au fil d'une dérive sans fin.
EN. Martha is a woman with problems. She is not the ideal mother for her daughter Lise, or the ideal wife for her husband Reymond : she taunts Lise with lines like "you spoil everything", and stays out at bars while Rey takes care of everything. Her childhood is never really disclosed, but she is shunned from her family, who regard her as some kind of an embarrassment.
The characters in this film are wonderfully fleshed out : Martha, who knows she is acting stupidly but can't stop herself; Lise, their intelligent daughter; and Reymond, the loving father who manages to keep it all together during the films intense third quarter.
A gritty contemporary neo-realist piece, this amazing film is about never giving up on people, no matter how dire the situation (indeed it is even dedicated to "the need for consolation").
Director: Sandrine Veysset.
Cast: Valérie Donzelli, Yann Goven, Lucie Régnier, Lydia Andrei, Séverine Vincent, Javier Cruz, Pierre Pezon, Catherine Ferran, Robert Beal.
France, 2001.
Language: French.
Download Martha... Martha.
Martha... Martha. 2001.
Martha... Martha. 2001.

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